Note: It could have been every name but F-22 just sounds wicked.

Even better than a private jet!

Even better than a private jet!

You’re probably wondering what a plane has to do in the entrepreneur life section. And sorry, you can’t buy them here. Sadly, there are still companies that do not have affiliate programs 😉

Seriously, here’s another tool that could potentially help you big times:

Before F-22 pilots go on a mission, they contemplate the best-case, the most-likely and the worst-case scenario.

Notice: They do it before going on a mission. Why?

Because if you are in a F-22 you don’t have the time to think about your next steps. Imagine you’re in a F-22 going 1,500 miles per hour and your engine catches fire. You have to be fast if you want a chance to survive.

Applied to the life of ‘normalos’ like you and I, the practice of F-22 planning brings two huge advantages:

You have a pretty good overview of what could potentially happen

While you contemplate the best, most-likely and the worst case, you will get a view about the events that could happen, both good and bad. That might dissipate fears or worries. You at least feel like having control. Which brings me to benefit number 2.

You can prepare and prevent

If you go on a roadtrip and contemplate the worst-cases, you’ll not end up with a flat tire because you packed a spare one. You also have a list of repair services and fuel stations in the target area. Because you are smart and using the F-22 planning, you can prevent or at least prepare for events to happen. This gives you more control over your desired outcome.

Entrepreneurs‬ are great at dealing with uncertainty and also very good at ‪‎minimizing risk‬.” – Mohnish Pabrai

Of course, you cannot control everything. That’s just how life is. If an alien named Paul invades your campervan, chances are you did not prepare for that. But hey, at least it’s an interesting story and you can sell the script to Hollywood and make a ton of money. Imagine your loss if Paul invaded another campervan because you were waiting 10 miles away with a flat tire…Darn!

As always, post your thoughts in the comment section and share this post if you feel it could help a dopey friend. Or tell me how you are going to use it in your life? How are you going to adapt the concept in your health life and in your financial or love-related actions?

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Yorick Tran

Founder at Life Institute
Hi, I am the founder of the Life Institute. I hope you get some valuable learnings here. If you have any questions, please contact me on my facebook account or via our intern community messaging!
Yorick Tran
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